About Me

My photo
Rockport, Texas, United States
Just a regular gal..nuthin special...loves God, her family, friends, music (classic/southern rock blues,etc), old time radio, pets/animals, cooking....sometimes the government and society we are living in (will let you know how they are doing from my perspective as it goes)...My morals and values come from another time in space according to "kids" of today! I know the white picket fence does not exsist...but come on! Some of it still has to be out there somewhere!? Van Halen and "that little ol' band from Tx" are my music toppers, Uncle Lucius (xoxo Kevin)...(gasp) and can't forget my boys in Nickelback...special to my heart (long story) and last but not least..Retro FX (local group) that my Nephew Bruce is in!...old westerns and 40's movies/tv series...too much to state here...will write a page on what i like and don't like. P.S. There are some pics I do not own and have gotten off the internet or have been sent to me by friends....PINK rocks!

Sunday, August 5, 2012


My bud Melissa has added more happiness to her life! I am sooooooooooooo happy for her...she and an ol' flame hooked up after soooooo many years apart! Guess the time was right..sighhhhhhh...for both of them. I wish them much happiness AND....Randall...yeah you...better not hurt, be ugly to, mistreat or dish her in anyway....I have not met you nor raked you over the grill yet..so be leary my Buds sweetie...be very leary, I do a mean interview! ;) have a nice day! Renee (aka the head chopperoffer)

My Tattoos/Music...obvious or not

My Tats, are just that....MY tats. They are for my enjoyment, my memories, my desires and not for you to interpret, put down, make fun of or judge! You have your qwirks and I have mine and if tats is such a big issue with you and your beliefs...then you better take a long hard look at yourself and what you have done in your present or past! If I believed what all I have been told on the subject...the there better be plenty of room for all the ones that have had/done: Boob jobs (any plastic surgery), cutters (mental illness), dental implants (vanity), Liposuction (vanity), etc.! I think a NO VACANCY sign would be up by now if the Man did not take each case on a individual basis! Hey...if I had "Satan Rules" tat...then feel free to say something & we can talk! I don't have sleeves (yet?) but I do enjoy all the art peeps have and will ask others about theirs respectfully! I can show mine...or if the needed, out of respect, can be covered up nicely! My Van Halen tat is special...I finally got to see my favorite band after 35 years of trying! Something (or someone)always kept me from going and then...Whoohoo! I was able to go this year. I went all out; tat (gift) and tickets (accident), dress and hair (thanks Dixie) for probably one of my last BLASTs of my young life! Since they DID show up and put on a FANTASTIC show I will add the year to my tat. Sign...missed the heyday of long hair and high jumps...but don't matter...I can't do those things anymore either..lol! Missed seeing ZZ TOP the next night and I hope that will not be their last run! I will always be keepin up with them though...right bud?! Now I've added more genre to my music...SOMEONE introduced me to the blues and opened my eyes...NOW I have a wider knowledge and music range that I am enjoying thanks to my friend! Luv to ya and thanks!....back to tats...I don't have alot of bad habits, drug or drink problems...I am basically a good person who enjoys tats. Some of you don't like them or believe I shouldn't have them per the Bible (that is open to interpretation and belief)...but I've had my talks with the Man...He knows me and how I am, knows I am not perfect...and He is the only one to JUDGE me in what matters! If my tats make you NOT want to be my friend...then I feel sorry for YOU if that is a determining factor of friendship! I have heard/seen that quite a few serial killers, rapists and just good for nothing people do not have tattoos....go be their friend and I hope ya'll have a nice life, may be short, but what the hey!...they do not have tats...just like you prefer! Cya laters, Renee

(Inside joke w/friend..FYI: If anyone ever wants to meet and talk with me....make sure you have a VIP ticket! kiss, kiss, lol ;).Lookin forward to our next conversation and you enlightening the world of Renee!..remind me to bring up philanthrophy)

Thursday, July 12, 2012

belated THANK YOU's....

Mornin kids! This mornin I was just thinking bout events in my life the past few years and wondered if the people who have helped, inspired and encouraged me really know how much it mean't to me!?....well here goes the short list:
JEANNE: hard to put into words what is in my heart...like a song you know in your head...but just does't come out right when you open your mouth! You are the best sister a person could ask for (and a good example for others to follow). We've had our differences, but have talked um out and gotten over it. We have gotten closer over the years and you weren't my maid of honor for nothing! Dunno if you see a lil bit of you in me (somewhere) or what...but I have always admired, envied, loved and trusted you oh soooooo much! P.O.'d me off a few times...but...that's life! (like i am perfect) I love you and thank you for everything you have done and said to me over the years. Without your support and talks, no telling where'd I be mentally or physically. Thanks for being my Big Sis...can't wait for our mornin coffee chats! (really want to walk on beach and have coffee, bout 6am, in case you were wondering what I would like to do sometimes. You do know when 6am comes right?...when you still asleep...lol)...next comes LINDA: I am suprised one of your shoulders isn't larger than the other due to me cryin and tellin you all the "down" stuff in my life! I do know I've not been the best friend in givin back....after I hang up from talkin to ya...I realized that I didn't even ask how you/family were or let you tell me what's goin on over there! Boy, that's just shi**y of me....I am so sorry cause I think of you like another sister. I can just moan and groan...and you will always be there with a smile on! Enjoy our talks and your advise is taken to heart...I love you and thank you for bein there for me and bein my friend. I know you will always be there...don't wanna lose another sister! You and Jeanne are alike...at least to me...I HATE WOMEN WHO CAN WEAR SHORT HAIR STYLE AND LOOK REALLY GOOD IN IT WITHOUT ANY EFFORT!...didn't mean to say that outloud, but I did...lol..love ya ma'am! MELISSA...well I think you already know...devoted a page to you...want me to make-up more?..lol...just kiddin...you my girl and always will be...at least till one of us has a guy in our life...(yeah, you went out other night...guess it wont be ME gettin the guy first!) HONORABLE MENTION goes to Bonnie at State Farm...not gonna tell you where...she don't need to be bothered...that's MY job! Bonnie...you have been a lifesaver...you have helped me sooooo much! Thank you so much for all the advise and insite you have given me since Daddys passing. You filled me in on everything I needed to know to take on my new ADULT life. You always found time and had a smile for me...even when I didn't. Thank you again for being a part of my life!

There have been alot of peeps, but too little space...will have to do it when I text or hollar at you over the phone! It's been a rollercoaster ride these past few years. I am looking forward to the change I am about to experience...will fill in blanks later...and a better outlook towards the future. Even my friends of FB have uplifted me from the past...old school/church friends found, relatives I have gotten to know better and closer to and new people I have met that excite and interest me....I THANK YOU ALL!
P.S. Lord?...in case you were wondering bout our talks...not ready just yet...got somemore to do here before I move there! Marc's still not ready...he peddlin...really peddlin...just not stable yet. AND...I got alot more livin and experiencen to do!!!

Gonna leave you with 3 of my favorite quotes (fav for this week, can change):

1. Life is too short to spend with people who suck the happiness out of you…unkn

2. How is it that one match can start a forest fire, but it takes a whole box of matches to start a campfire? ~Christy Whitehead

3. The trouble with, "A place for everything and everything in its place" is that there's always more everything than places. ~Robert Brault


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Is it just my family...,

This pic was taken long time ago. Was lookin through ol pics and seems like most of them were of family, that's fine...but someone in the group was either eating, sleeping, getting ready to eat or sleep! I want to believe it has to do with being in the outdoors..but...we could just start a trip and someone was lookin for a bakery! My nephew, one of many, thinks it's just us. We can leave for camping, have just gotten up..hit the highway...i ready for nap! I can go fishin..get on the boat and have to go to the ladies room...dunna care if I just got back from there! I can go eat and then a movie...full!...nooooo gotsta have that popcorn at the theatre! Linda, anyone?...is it just me and/or my family? Beginning to think being out of the house is bad for you..lol..not really but makes me wonder. Tell the truth....does everyone get this way when camping or fishing? lol...till later..cya Renee'

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


Still on life vacation...but...should be back by the 11th...tomorrow!

Friday, June 15, 2012

T G I F...

Just a quick note...puter on the fritzing...dunno what is wrong...having problems...will get back asap! Have a grrrrrrrrrrreat wkend and don't do anything I wouldn't do....no...don't do that...wouldn't leave ya anything to DO! C YA

Monday, June 11, 2012

It's 100 in June...

I need someone to let me know when it is safe to go outside. Send my son Marc out and if he comes back with a wet tee....I NOT goin out! What's it gonna be like in August? A special friend of mine has turned me on to the blues...I like the blues, but really didn't know much bout it till now. There was a guy named Joey Long...go to Youtube.com and check song called 4 o'clock am (I think that's right, if not I will surely hear bout it) by Joey Long....I could just sit and dream to that all night long! Thank you bud for turnin me on to some good music ;)! The Van Halen concert is finally comin round...thank God...after 35 years of wanting to see them...finally get to! Up front and up close..lol...has to be...only chance I will ever have to see them! THEN....maybe I can make the ZZ Top show in New Braunfels the next night. Dunno if I can...we'll see what happens. Sittin here typing...watchin buddy turn the couch into his personal play fort (cushions adjusted w/blankets and all. He loves it...course I have to keep puttin back the cushions...but it's worth it just to see him play...lol...sometimes the cats will join him. He is not allowed in my room...pic below shows what happens when he slips past me and onto the bed...where's Buddy?...lol....lil shit.
Gonna start back up the cookin section again. Making Tapioca Puddin today...Mama had the best recipe for a really "fluffy" version....first time I tried it..."soupy" is how I would of discribed it....gonna try again for the "fluffy" version, wish me luck! Besides that it's too dang hot to cook...yeah...put that puppy up to 400 degrees in the kitchen...bake for a few hours...that'll make me a happy camper! You can tell when the house gets too hot by Buddy meeting me at the fridge when I get water...toss him an ice cube and he's fine!
Melissa, hope you feel better and your back recoops fast....Dixie/Dave...have new home phone # 210-320-1654...Dave...can I post ur pic of you w/sun glasses on and beard braided on here...lol...the one I said "if you unbraided it, would it go poof and you'd be the 4th ZZ Top member". Till later...

Friday, June 8, 2012


Mornin world!...got my coffee, fed the critters and now I'm ready to rock n roll. Just wish I had something to say!...Oh yeah....I get a kick out of the internet. Topic: real or not?...You put yourself out there for the whole world to see, but yet you don't "really" know who you are talking to or reading bout...same thing visa versa. Yeah...I've tried the so called dating sights (just want companionship/friend..whatever)...yet all I have run into are guys temp living in Africa doing "business". Okay....then if you are who you say you are...keep your stories straight..lol...you give yourself away (ex: not too many peeps who live in Wyoming refer to there home as a FLAT). Kinda think its funny but then when you start to talk to someone who seems really nice and can have a nice conversation with....are they who they say they are? I don't want to be disrespectful...I do believe in treating everyone with respect cause you never know who, by mgmt with higher powers, has been put in your lifes path as a gatekeeper. I try to put out exactly who I am, just like I am...straight shooter who is too old to put up with anymore BS/games in her life. Some people want 15 minutes of fame (I did/got...when I interviewed Nickelback..heart be still)...all I want is 15 minutes of happiness times all the minutes I have left here on earth!....Not asking too much, am I? All the peeps on FB, excluding friends/family, do they really do as much exciting things, travel as much as they do, or have such a "wonderful" life and kids? Maybe it's just me that expresses herself out loud..lol...dunno. *exception: my great niece Kimber...kinda has a darkside sometimes, but she is "real" and puts it out there. Hell maybe if I could ever get done pickin up after critters, clearing out the house (from when my dad passed), etc...I might sound like those peeps who have a fantastic life or should I just create one? Naaaa...thats not me. There is a certain person I have been talkin to on various sites (you know who you are) and I really enjoy the short but nice conversations we have...not falling in love, not stalking...just normal chatter. When do you believe the person you are talking to is the person you are talking to? I believe things happen for a reason...this person might have been put in my path for a reason and that person is real! Something this person might say, (not on the lines like "I love you come be with me" or "let me relocate so I can be close to you" type of influence} or do, could change the way my journey through life goes...I have a plan for my life but someone else higher vetos my plans with his! Wish I could look up peoples ID's/usernames....find the one that has "Gatekeeper", "Real", "Honest" or "Genuine" next to it, with a "glow" around it, and then I would know I could let loose and believe what this person says. But knowing me...just cast it out and I will take it hook, line and sinker...I just want to believe everyone is as honest as me...lol, file that one under "sucker". I will still be on the internet, still meeting peeps, talkin friends/family....but will be leary (not saying you are not who you are or a liar!)but the sucker stamp on my forehead is fading and the doormat has been removed from my back. Higher powers want me to triumph, really would hate to miss out on that opportunity....when oneday I have to answer for myself and am told..."I tried to put you on the right path, but nooooooooooo...you did not listen to me or "believe" in what I put right in front of you"! I will believe in what this person tells me...a person never knows...might have found a person who is really who they say they are! On the internet you never know....why can't scientist figure out how to do what cartoonists did in the 60s or so....the Jetsons had vision phone...why can't we have vision internet? I know we have web cam and things like that...but you don't HAVE to use them...Jetsons had to...of course they had masks to wear too!...lol...back to the same ol question of are they real...nevermind! Oh well...just give me an afgan, cup of coffee, couch and a few ol Charley Chan or John Barrymore movies to watch and I will be fine.....(throw in a good thunderstorm too) Gonna stop for now...heading out to do some "socializing"..pick up script from Docs office and drop off his Bday gift, grocery store, dime store, feed store and if my day hasn't gone to crap by then...a DQ cone! Now, now....don't envy my life...I can tell you how to have one just like mine...hollar at me sometime...$5 w/self addressed envelope...lol. ;)
p.s....and to my "friend"..."have mercy", I'm just me and you make me smile...that lil ray of sunshine in my day! ;) Cya, Renee'

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Critters....

I think all three of the house critters instigate and help in the trouble making dept! Mo keeps a keen eye on Buddy and Mou keeps an eye on all! Monkey see Monkey do....would make it cat/dog...but it would be alot longer saying since each one starts trouble...lol...love um though. I usually dont let cats get on computer, but today I decided I would take pics...in case my memory fails (and to put on simonscat.com)and THEN scold Mou..The look on there faces know they have been caught!...the toy Buddy is after is really for the cats. Buddy has the time of his life with it...plastic ball with a bell ball inside. On the parkay floor it and him really move!

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Sorry guys...alergy season...really feel like I got the flu...w/o being sick...cough,cough,cough...see...thats what its like! cya soon..

Tuesday, May 29, 2012



Sunday, May 27, 2012


As i sit here trying to wake up, having my first cup of coffee (just a lil almond joy creamer, Doc...its less than a teaspoon!)telling the critters NO for the 18th hundred time,its either NO or DOWN this early, my vocabulary doesnt function well till "after" coffee....Oh yeah....I sit here thinking our past and present service men/women for served or fought for our country. I wanted to be a Marine, made it up to the point of loosing 5 lbs, but thats another story. Looking back now I would of made a terrible Marine....the first time a DI looked crossed eyed at me I would of burst in to tears! Jeanne says its just us Sockwell girls being "passionate" about something. Its a terrible trate to have...crying over the slightest thing...just like Daddy was. Oh and speaking of Daddy...he was a Vet and served in WWII. He did not see any fighting but was an instructor. When I was older (wanting to be a Marine) I asked him if he could still bark like a DI....boy did I get a big grin out of him....sure enough....out came this command that made me have goose bumps on my arms. Soooo cool sounding (another side of my dad I never saw)...guess asking him to do it at 10pm was not cool cause we woke up Mom, who was not so cool! Over the years my Sisters and I heard many stories about his service, commissions lost, commanders so and so (%@@$%##%#@$%...were those names or just names he had for them?), Love letters sent back in forth between my parents while Dad was stationed away from Mom....Dad even asked Mom to marry him through Western Union...(sigh...)real romance! Daddy looked real handsome in his uniforms, even the one of him in the pilots skull cap thingie. Before Dad passed away he wanted his uniform to go to a responsible person in the family who would care about it and pass it down to the next generation. After Dad died I decided on Dads Great Grandson Brandon Long. My prior conversations with his dad, Stace Long, my oldest sisters son, left me with the impression he would be the best one to choose. My sisters and I have a few medals from the uniform and left some on. When I pass I have instructed to pass the medals (i have) on to Brandon for more of a complete uniform to pass down. (Jeanne: Why did we take them...we have sooooo many memories of Daddy and now I believe, you may not, but i think they should go with the uniform...let me know in an email). I dont ever remember thanking him for protecting/serving our country in whatever way he did...I remember him thanking service people he would see when we were out and about....OMG...and then the conversation these poor people would get stuck in...lol...Dad loved to talk...If he was calling a company (example) and you got my Dad...sorry....you had work to do I am sure...but Daddy needed someone to talk to sometimes and you got his call! Loved talkin about the past. I will never see what my Dad has seen in my lifetime...from going across the pasture on horseback to make a business deal, with his dad, with just a "hand shake" (a mans word was worth something then i guess) to the WWs, moon landing, microwaves, computers, TV...too much stuff to mention all! It's just amazing what he saw in his life. Believed in God, Family and the Government. Towards the end "I" do not believe in our Government...but thats another post! "Thank you" Daddy and all the service men and women, past and present that served or protected our United States of America! from #4...p.s. I never wanna know what it is like to live in a dictatorship/communist country...so again, I THANK YOU!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Buddy...what the heck is he made of?

Hey guys...been trying to figure out Buddy's heritage. In contact with a great lady and when I get her permission I will pass it on. She so far thinks part picardy terrier and maybe some norwich terrier. Question....alot of these terriers have cropped tails...would they double curly if NOT cropped? Buddy's main differences... he has long legs and a very very sparse coat...no two layers here...lol...like a dog going through chemo! All the dogs I have researched that resemble Buddy have been herding dogs...explains herding the cats away from stuff. Even the Austrailian terrier has some of the looks and traits. He is a true terrier, protective, active...just cute as pie in my eyes. First is Austrailian Terrier, Cairn Terrier, Picardy Shepherd (lg dog), Glen of Imaal Terrier, Portuguese Podengon(hound),

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Melissa...what can I say...

I have a group of close, special fiends. Each one different and each is special in her own way. After about 25plus years apart, I finally got ahold of her via facebook and friend Robin, via friend, prob via another friend. We got together and it felt like time hasn't passed, started right in talkin. I have known her since High School but can't tell you how we met, neither can she! Just remember us hangin in the smokin area at school with Walter and Ronnie, to name just two. She turned me on to the Golden Stallion. Her parents went, she went and I got my chance to go. Got hooked...thank you Mel. We proudly (yeah right) wore our MINOR tickets stapled on us. That was the start to many wonderful memories. My first slow dance and it was with Ronnie, still think Mel told him to dance with me, but I didn't care...sigh. Put my head on his Aramis (sp?) shoulder and just inheld...sigh again. Okay back to Mel. You could not ask for a better friend than Mel. For awhile now I have been going through problems and seem to just cry everytime I talk to her or end up that way. She listens, advises, cares and understands, never judging me either. She's the kind that will always have your back or give you her hand. I don't know what I did to be blessed with such a good friend. I have alot of memories, good and bad, with Mel. Hope to have many more! I cherish our friendship and I hope I am always able to be there for her. When we got back together after all those years, I was really needing a friend. Realized it wasn't a friend I needed....it was Mel. XOXOXO sent out to you Mel...I love ya gal! Oh yeah...I think if Mels life would of gone in a different direction than it did...she would be known as Mrs Sully Erna nowdays... ;) GODSMACK RULES, ROCK ON MEL!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My kindergarteners...Blackie, Buddy, Mo and Mou...[img]http://www.websmileys.com/sm/crazy/071.gif[/img]

OKAY...these are "the critters": Let's start off with the CATS...there is MO, a very much city girl, grey short hair tabby, she has attitude and is all cat! Does what/when she wants and for how long. She is an instigator and Buddy's best friend. Mou is my country bumpkin, male, long hair orange tabby. He is a follower, but don't underestimate him...still can't figure out how he got a chopstick that was through two door handles on cabinet and secured with LARGE rubber band off without snapping rubber band!? He loves trying to open cabinets and lay where you don't want him to or where he really can't fit or be comfortable (can't find remote for TV...look under Mou/set up pictures on shelves...Mou can be found squished in the middle). If I need to give meds/groom or do anything involving holding the cats...DO MO FIRST! She's smart that way and will get away from you like lightening...Mou on the other hand will sit there and just look at you like "duh, whats going on?". Next comes the DOGS: Blackie has been with us the longest, Daddy got him when before he passed away. All our animals are rescues in one way or another, and of course he is black with grey whiskers. Awhile back we lost his gal Blondie (blond of course)...fond memory of my son taking the two to the vet. Marc told vet tech their names and vet tech asked which one was Blackie...lol...Marc just looked at him like really? Makes a person feel better when you meet people with less common sense than you have! Blackie is a small terrier mix, wire hair and under 10 lbs. Sweet natured, just wants to love on ya. He is the outside dog. Recently a lil dog was dropped off in the yard...been there a few days, our neighbor fed him and he stayed next to our gate. Blackie stays on the other side of the gate...so they prob clicked! I gave him water one day...he was just so shy, pretty blond hair with red highlights on body and black whiskers. Welllll I made the mistake of petting him. This poor dog was in such bad condition I didn't think he would make it much more outside in his condition. You could feel every bone in his lil body. My fingers went between the ribs, butt bone stuck out, could feel is spine....I was afraid to pick him up, might break a rib or something. Heart took over and took him inside, he was sooooo scared. Stuck right by me till Marc came home. Marc just looked at him, shook his head then went an gave Buddy a bath and something to eat. We were not planning on keeping him, hoping someone would post a lost dog notice....but next day took him to vet, they asked his name...uh...didn't name him, only called him Buddy (come here budddy)...well it stuck. Vet said he had good teeth, no parasites, clean ears, etc...but was 3-4 lbs underweight. He was someones dog and not on streets very long per vet. Marc and I decided we could not resist this lil guy, mixed terrier with prominent Yorkie features (per vet). The people that had him before just did not feed him or did not make sure he got his share, either way they were not going to get him back! He is bout 1 1/2 years old...makes Buddy, Mo and Mou all same age and born in August. He has got to have a weird pedigree in him...he herds the cats, protects the house, does not like strangers...even if you do come over again...he still wont like you. Then there is his tail, kinda curls over his back twice in a circle...have to check that part out...not many dogs have that feature. Don't look him in the face if you are being serious...he has such variety of expressions and knows how/when to use them! All of them are worth their weight in gold. The minute I wake up they are there to greet me(of course they're hungry)and after tripping over them to get to my coffee, all they can do is TALK TALK TALK...fine...after I feed them they make me happy while I drink my coffee. Between them and the chimp shows on TV at that hour...I am all smiles at the start of my day...after that first hour (should be bout 6am) the kindergarten kids start their day off teasing each other and doing naughty things...that smile starts to fade until I get one innocent look from any one of them! Should be bout their nap time and peace will once again be in the house.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Since I'm single...I can!

I enjoy eyecandy as much as the next gal....some are memories from my hayday...some just plain fantasy (sigh)...guess I'm really posting them for me...cause I can!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

    (Ceil Sockwell 9/3/21 to 8/5/91)


Thursday, May 10, 2012

MY GRIPE....YOUR GRIPES (just an ol fashion bitch session!)

Some people might call me ol fashion, that I live in a fantasy world and that I should just go with the flow. Wellll I don'see me that way. I grew up having great parents that taught me right from wrong, values, morals and to learn from my mistakes. From what I have experienced/seen through my adult year is a society going to pot! Everywhere from work, business dealings, government to shopping, education and talking.....somehow/somewhere things have gone astray! **NOT ALL CASHIERS ARE LIKE THIS.Just the majority i've seen/experienced** I can't remember the last time a cashier greeted me 1st, treat my purchases with care (not pitching to homeplate!), appoligize if price was rung up wrong (made me feel like the idiot. They used to teach baggers how to bag...now days your lucky to get a bagger & a bag that doesn't weigh 28lbs (i weighed it when I got home). My sis, Jeanne, was a cashier at one time. Remembered her having to study sale prices. If the store has a sale price on item purchased...rings up wrong....YOU have to be the one to catch it & prove it! They expect you to compare every product to the shelf label (written in a size for thumbalina to reade), god help you if the stockboy stocked the wrong product in the wtong place...you better have gotten down on your knees to compare the upc #, if not you're wrong and it was just an "oops" on the stockboys part. Plz go back to stamping the products with the price!!! I will hunt out the mature cashiers if possible. One of my favorite experiences was a cashier that had more interest in his break (after me) than conducting business with me. I had some reduced priced items that were not ringing reduced...brought it to his attention, needless to say he was VERY unhappy having to key in prices & showed it. I made the comment "sorry to be holding him up from his break", loved the glare he gave me, me the one spending the $ was appolagizing to HIM for the inconvienience. Customer service stinks now days cause it can, not many other places to take your business in San Antonio. Am I the only one this happen to? *Next bitch topic: SALESPEOPLE.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hey...site is under construction! Soon I will be having recipes for the regular down home family. Nothing that calls for "pink peppercorns" or ingredients you have to look all over town for....simple family recipes my family has enjoyed and passed down through the years. Any recipes or input you would like to submit will be very WELCOME. Some of the dishes require your own judgement as to how hot (as in spicy)...how much you like or don't like an ingredient....sometimes we have on hand something that can be subsituted like cream of celery for cream of mushroom soup. Looking forword to sharing my blog with anyone who loves to cook.
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Texas State Flower

Texas State Flower
Mama and I both loved bluebonnets.
