OKAY...these are "the critters": Let's start off with the CATS...there is MO, a very much city girl, grey short hair tabby, she has attitude and is all cat! Does what/when she wants and for how long. She is an instigator and Buddy's best friend. Mou is my country bumpkin, male, long hair orange tabby. He is a follower, but don't underestimate him...still can't figure out how he got a chopstick that was through two door handles on cabinet and secured with LARGE rubber band off without snapping rubber band!? He loves trying to open cabinets and lay where you don't want him to or where he really can't fit or be comfortable (can't find remote for TV...look under Mou/set up pictures on shelves...Mou can be found squished in the middle). If I need to give meds/groom or do anything involving holding the cats...DO MO FIRST! She's smart that way and will get away from you like lightening...Mou on the other hand will sit there and just look at you like "duh, whats going on?". Next comes the DOGS: Blackie has been with us the longest, Daddy got him when before he passed away. All our animals are rescues in one way or another, and of course he is black with grey whiskers. Awhile back we lost his gal Blondie (blond of course)...fond memory of my son taking the two to the vet. Marc told vet tech their names and vet tech asked which one was Blackie...lol...Marc just looked at him like really? Makes a person feel better when you meet people with less common sense than you have! Blackie is a small terrier mix, wire hair and under 10 lbs. Sweet natured, just wants to love on ya. He is the outside dog. Recently a lil dog was dropped off in the yard...been there a few days, our neighbor fed him and he stayed next to our gate. Blackie stays on the other side of the gate...so they prob clicked! I gave him water one day...he was just so shy, pretty blond hair with red highlights on body and black whiskers. Welllll I made the mistake of petting him. This poor dog was in such bad condition I didn't think he would make it much more outside in his condition. You could feel every bone in his lil body. My fingers went between the ribs, butt bone stuck out, could feel is spine....I was afraid to pick him up, might break a rib or something. Heart took over and took him inside, he was sooooo scared. Stuck right by me till Marc came home. Marc just looked at him, shook his head then went an gave Buddy a bath and something to eat. We were not planning on keeping him, hoping someone would post a lost dog notice....but next day took him to vet, they asked his name...uh...didn't name him, only called him Buddy (come here budddy)...well it stuck. Vet said he had good teeth, no parasites, clean ears, etc...but was 3-4 lbs underweight. He was someones dog and not on streets very long per vet. Marc and I decided we could not resist this lil guy, mixed terrier with prominent Yorkie features (per vet). The people that had him before just did not feed him or did not make sure he got his share, either way they were not going to get him back! He is bout 1 1/2 years old...makes Buddy, Mo and Mou all same age and born in August. He has got to have a weird pedigree in him...he herds the cats, protects the house, does not like strangers...even if you do come over again...he still wont like you. Then there is his tail, kinda curls over his back twice in a circle...have to check that part out...not many dogs have that feature. Don't look him in the face if you are being serious...he has such variety of expressions and knows how/when to use them! All of them are worth their weight in gold. The minute I wake up they are there to greet me(of course they're hungry)and after tripping over them to get to my coffee, all they can do is TALK TALK TALK...fine...after I feed them they make me happy while I drink my coffee. Between them and the chimp shows on TV at that hour...I am all smiles at the start of my day...after that first hour (should be bout 6am) the kindergarten kids start their day off teasing each other and doing naughty things...that smile starts to fade until I get one innocent look from any one of them! Should be bout their nap time and peace will once again be in the house.
Just a gal from TX who wants to vent/share my love of Life, Family, Music (Van Halen/ZZ Top)People, My Critters...2 dogs/2 cats...and some parts of my life with other regular, down to earth folks! I am still a "work in progress" with God, so topics might change. Please leave me a comment, lets me know if I am the only one that is this way or it happens all over! May take me a few days to post (I have neuropathy in my hands).
About Me

- Renee'
- Rockport, Texas, United States
- Just a regular gal..nuthin special...loves God, her family, friends, music (classic/southern rock blues,etc), old time radio, pets/animals, cooking....sometimes the government and society we are living in (will let you know how they are doing from my perspective as it goes)...My morals and values come from another time in space according to "kids" of today! I know the white picket fence does not exsist...but come on! Some of it still has to be out there somewhere!? Van Halen and "that little ol' band from Tx" are my music toppers, Uncle Lucius (xoxo Kevin)...(gasp) and can't forget my boys in Nickelback...special to my heart (long story) and last but not least..Retro FX (local group) that my Nephew Bruce is in!...old westerns and 40's movies/tv series...too much to state here...will write a page on what i like and don't like. P.S. There are some pics I do not own and have gotten off the internet or have been sent to me by friends....PINK rocks!
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Texas State Flower

Mama and I both loved bluebonnets.
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