About Me

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Rockport, Texas, United States
Just a regular gal..nuthin special...loves God, her family, friends, music (classic/southern rock blues,etc), old time radio, pets/animals, cooking....sometimes the government and society we are living in (will let you know how they are doing from my perspective as it goes)...My morals and values come from another time in space according to "kids" of today! I know the white picket fence does not exsist...but come on! Some of it still has to be out there somewhere!? Van Halen and "that little ol' band from Tx" are my music toppers, Uncle Lucius (xoxo Kevin)...(gasp) and can't forget my boys in Nickelback...special to my heart (long story) and last but not least..Retro FX (local group) that my Nephew Bruce is in!...old westerns and 40's movies/tv series...too much to state here...will write a page on what i like and don't like. P.S. There are some pics I do not own and have gotten off the internet or have been sent to me by friends....PINK rocks!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Real food from REAL recipes

Recipes online...

Majority of the time my recipes NEVER turn out like the posters pic nor have the same outcome. Do they actually prepare these recipes or make them up? I try to read the reviews and then decide if I should make it or not. 80% of the reviews had: major changes... must really not been that good in the first place, or said it was a total flop! Okay...how can it be a total flop when others praised it? My eggs...flour...milk...whatever should be no different than yours. Even on the big sites like Betty Crocker and others I've experienced the same thing. Maybe I should start a web page for sharing recipes just among peeps I know. Some peeps post recipes to FB but don't say if they've actually tried it out (yeah..it looks good in the pic you posted). My Daddy made up a cookbook for his daughters that contained our Mama's best recipes. He made notes on each one reflecting how it tasted and sometimes the occasion we had it....also stated if it was a keeper, but just not to his liking. I'm gonna quit experimenting online and stick to the tried an true recipes from family and friends...otherwise its turning out to be a real waste of my money! Let me know your view on this.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Recipes ONLINE...

Tomorrow I am writing regarding above title....they really tick me off!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014


OMG...happy belated birthday Daddy! I remembered yesterday but forgot to post...my bad. Miss you...xoxo #4


ObamaCRAP...yes that's what I said! I'm just soooo boiling mad at this government of ours. Seems it just gets better an better the older, and wiser, I get. All of us Americans are to have MANDATORY health insurance by the end of March.... Dictatorship? I have tried and tried to get all the information I can regarding Obama Care.... got very upsetting. You have to "shop" for a company that will give you the best deal in health insurance. Wellllll....the best I can come up with is a joke! In a nutshell...the government/IRS have a scam going on. Here's why: I qualify for the tax credit thingy (like that word?) where my monthly premium will be reduced by about $400.00.  If it can be reduced that much, why not just charge that much less and who is getting/benefitting from that money? My subsidy taken off the premium still leaves me unable to afford a policy that is any better than me paying cash as I do now. I can pay a premium anywhere between $11.00 to $110.00 (my price range) monthly and get NOTHING in return! To get any benefits paid by insurance company....I have to pay deductible first. Deductible = $5000.00 to $6000.00! Unless I get hit by a Mack truck, I'm never going to meet that deductible in a year. So...back to nutshell...my health care will be as it is now...paying cash for everything, but I also get to give the government/IRS/insurance Co. (whoever) money for nothing! I have decided to wait till August when I qualify for medicare through SSDI. I'll be damned if I'm going to just "give" away,  even $11.00, for nothing! Thought this crap was suppose to help us out....yes the insurance is affordable....but you get NO BENEFITS!!!! I'll throw $ out the window first! I could not even get a copy of all the coverage unless I paid the premium first. Also....none of the companies covered my meds....and meds are included in paying of the deductible. Sooooo.....lol....how much is the penalty for no insurance? I feel better for getting this off my chest...it's a sad shape our country is in...Obamacrap is just one problem that joker has in the works....hell...I didn't vote for him!!!!
p.s. okay.....so it's a big nutshell...a Brazil nutshell.

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Texas State Flower

Texas State Flower
Mama and I both loved bluebonnets.
