About Me

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Rockport, Texas, United States
Just a regular gal..nuthin special...loves God, her family, friends, music (classic/southern rock blues,etc), old time radio, pets/animals, cooking....sometimes the government and society we are living in (will let you know how they are doing from my perspective as it goes)...My morals and values come from another time in space according to "kids" of today! I know the white picket fence does not exsist...but come on! Some of it still has to be out there somewhere!? Van Halen and "that little ol' band from Tx" are my music toppers, Uncle Lucius (xoxo Kevin)...(gasp) and can't forget my boys in Nickelback...special to my heart (long story) and last but not least..Retro FX (local group) that my Nephew Bruce is in!...old westerns and 40's movies/tv series...too much to state here...will write a page on what i like and don't like. P.S. There are some pics I do not own and have gotten off the internet or have been sent to me by friends....PINK rocks!

Sunday, May 27, 2012


As i sit here trying to wake up, having my first cup of coffee (just a lil almond joy creamer, Doc...its less than a teaspoon!)telling the critters NO for the 18th hundred time,its either NO or DOWN this early, my vocabulary doesnt function well till "after" coffee....Oh yeah....I sit here thinking our past and present service men/women for served or fought for our country. I wanted to be a Marine, made it up to the point of loosing 5 lbs, but thats another story. Looking back now I would of made a terrible Marine....the first time a DI looked crossed eyed at me I would of burst in to tears! Jeanne says its just us Sockwell girls being "passionate" about something. Its a terrible trate to have...crying over the slightest thing...just like Daddy was. Oh and speaking of Daddy...he was a Vet and served in WWII. He did not see any fighting but was an instructor. When I was older (wanting to be a Marine) I asked him if he could still bark like a DI....boy did I get a big grin out of him....sure enough....out came this command that made me have goose bumps on my arms. Soooo cool sounding (another side of my dad I never saw)...guess asking him to do it at 10pm was not cool cause we woke up Mom, who was not so cool! Over the years my Sisters and I heard many stories about his service, commissions lost, commanders so and so (%@@$%##%#@$%...were those names or just names he had for them?), Love letters sent back in forth between my parents while Dad was stationed away from Mom....Dad even asked Mom to marry him through Western Union...(sigh...)real romance! Daddy looked real handsome in his uniforms, even the one of him in the pilots skull cap thingie. Before Dad passed away he wanted his uniform to go to a responsible person in the family who would care about it and pass it down to the next generation. After Dad died I decided on Dads Great Grandson Brandon Long. My prior conversations with his dad, Stace Long, my oldest sisters son, left me with the impression he would be the best one to choose. My sisters and I have a few medals from the uniform and left some on. When I pass I have instructed to pass the medals (i have) on to Brandon for more of a complete uniform to pass down. (Jeanne: Why did we take them...we have sooooo many memories of Daddy and now I believe, you may not, but i think they should go with the uniform...let me know in an email). I dont ever remember thanking him for protecting/serving our country in whatever way he did...I remember him thanking service people he would see when we were out and about....OMG...and then the conversation these poor people would get stuck in...lol...Dad loved to talk...If he was calling a company (example) and you got my Dad...sorry....you had work to do I am sure...but Daddy needed someone to talk to sometimes and you got his call! Loved talkin about the past. I will never see what my Dad has seen in my lifetime...from going across the pasture on horseback to make a business deal, with his dad, with just a "hand shake" (a mans word was worth something then i guess) to the WWs, moon landing, microwaves, computers, TV...too much stuff to mention all! It's just amazing what he saw in his life. Believed in God, Family and the Government. Towards the end "I" do not believe in our Government...but thats another post! "Thank you" Daddy and all the service men and women, past and present that served or protected our United States of America! from #4...p.s. I never wanna know what it is like to live in a dictatorship/communist country...so again, I THANK YOU!

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Texas State Flower
Mama and I both loved bluebonnets.
