About Me

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Rockport, Texas, United States
Just a regular gal..nuthin special...loves God, her family, friends, music (classic/southern rock blues,etc), old time radio, pets/animals, cooking....sometimes the government and society we are living in (will let you know how they are doing from my perspective as it goes)...My morals and values come from another time in space according to "kids" of today! I know the white picket fence does not exsist...but come on! Some of it still has to be out there somewhere!? Van Halen and "that little ol' band from Tx" are my music toppers, Uncle Lucius (xoxo Kevin)...(gasp) and can't forget my boys in Nickelback...special to my heart (long story) and last but not least..Retro FX (local group) that my Nephew Bruce is in!...old westerns and 40's movies/tv series...too much to state here...will write a page on what i like and don't like. P.S. There are some pics I do not own and have gotten off the internet or have been sent to me by friends....PINK rocks!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Birds!

Could they get any louder?...lol...moved to the coastal area...soooo nice....but Grackles(sp?)? SATX was bad enough with them...did they follow me here?  Did put up some wild bird feeders....lots of Cardinals and pretty Blank Birds...never seen bb's before. At the park where I live is a small pond with 2 resident ducks. Father an Son....won't mention what happened to mom. If i'm lucky, right before day break, a Blue Heron or White Crane will be in there too....too dark to take pic...just enough light to see though. After the Lamardegras was over, Kirby took us driving, one of our often outings, and I got to see my first Whooping Cranes. They are larger than the white Cranes we see often and have black on end of wings. (*can ya tell I got a thing for birds now!?....lol) On the island in lil bay I saw a Rosy Spoonbill....had to of been one since we don't have Pink Flamingos! The Seagulls are taking up with partners....nesting and fighting to keep their spot. The Skimmers "were" here, will be back I hope. When June/July rolls round, we'll be CREEPING along the roads in the park...as it says on the sign...."baby birds can't fly". Cute BIG babies, but noisy as heck...okay...really LOUD BIG DEMANDING TO BE FED BABIES! Last but not least...my fave...the Pelicans...white and brown. The browns let me get arms length close for pics, the whites are more stand offish. FYI...if you care...lol...during mating season, the browns get a very yellow headdress and the white males grow a lump on topside of bill. Really attractive, like a huge dry zit! Females must find it sexy. Okay....that's enough bout my birds. Gonna be a beautiful day here and I hope y'all have the same. xoxo Renee

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Texas State Flower

Texas State Flower
Mama and I both loved bluebonnets.
